Calvary Chapel Homeschoolers Calvary Chapel Homeschoolers Calvary Chapel Homeschoolers Calvary Chapel Homeschoolers Calvary Chapel Homeschoolers Calvary Chapel Homeschoolers

CCFTL Homeschoolers Purpose, Guidelines and Requirements


The focus of the Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale Homeschoolers is first and foremost to encourage and remind parents that God has given them the responsibility to teach their children to have a relationship with Him. We believe home schooling is an excellent vehicle to accomplish this command and provides a unique opportunity for parents to build relationships with their children through ample time together and discussion of many educational, spiritual and life topics. Earthly education is second to personal relationship with one’s Creator and Savior.

Secondly, we want to provide fellowship and accountability among Christian home schooling families. The family is the most important basis of relationships. Parents need to connect and support one another in this area and get to know the families and friends of their own children.

In addition, we want to inspire parents and students to strive for excellence, glorify God and shine as a bright light to a watching world!

Lastly, we want to connect students with enhanced educational opportunities that may not be possible or practical for a single homeschooling family.

CCFTL Homeschoolers Support Group is open to all home-educated families who agree to respect the purpose of our group and abide by the requirements below:



  • Submit an application form, agree to rules and pay the annual dues.
  • The term for a membership shall be for one school year.   
  • Membership directories shall not be used for any business and or advertising purposes.
  • Classifieds and Forums are not to be used to promote business or advertising purposes not related to Homeschool Educational Purpose.
  • CCFTL Homeschoolers does not sponsor field trips; however, field trips for homeschoolers are planned and organized by volunteer members and are usually announced on our website. Each participant must assume any and all risk of physical injury or any other injury that could result from any of these activities and events.
  • Parents are held responsible for the behavior of their child(ren) at all times.
  • Willingness to serve and participate.


Art Work by:© 1997 Christopher Santer

From the Artist
"Jesus says in Luke 18:16, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them, for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs.' I have always pictured in my mind that Jesus was overwhelmed by the joy and excitement of children and was, especially at this invitation, smothered with affection and playfulness from the children which He in turn reciprocated."